Membership Information

Membership Information

It is free to participate on the True Grist Homebrew Club forum and to attend the club’s regular monthly meetings as a Limited Member. To become a Limited Member, simply register on our website, and agree to our Club Pledge.

If you would like to become a Full Member, you must pay annual Club Dues. Full Member status is held until December 31st of each year. Dues are not prorated for those that do not pay at the beginning of each year, nor are they refundable.

Dues are not being collected in 2024.

The suggested due amount of $25, but if presents a barrier for you, you are encouraged to PWYC. Secure payment by credit card via Stripe™️ can be performed below. Our website should be automatically updated to reflect the payment of dues. Please let us know if you encounter issues. If you use the PWYC due option, this information will not be shared with other members.

You may also use the PWYC option if you would like to support the club beyond the suggested amount.

Full membership in True Grist is not only about paying dues. As a True Grist member you must uphold Club Values during all Club Activities, and if you are able, we hope you can volunteer at one of our events or bulk buys through the year.

Dues go towards running the Club Website and various initiatives. In addition to supporting the club, as a Full Member you receive the following benefits:

Club Dues are not being collected for 2024!