Calendar of Events
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Honey Bulk Buy
15kg pails of Wildflower and Goldenrod raw honey are available from Beekeeping it Real. Click here for all the details.
Registration for “Beer wars: Battle of Belgian Pale Ale”
This is our first Beer Wars event. This is a team based competition, where all teams brew a specific style. The first style we'll battle out is Belgian Pale Ale. Escarpment Labs has sponsored the event and will be providing the yeast for each team's brew - their new Ringfish Belgian Ale strain (non-diastatic, POF+)....
Hayhoe Hops Bulk Buy
Fresh 2018 crop from Ontario grower Hayhoe Hops. Hops will be available for pick up at our February meeting, where Scott Hayhoe will be presenting on his hop growing operation.
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Group shipping window for CYWHR competition
True Grist is offering group shipping for Cowtown Yeast Wrangler's Homebrew Round up! Get your entries to Short Finger Brewing Company within this drop off window, with $5 per entry paid to the club (e-transfer to with your name and the competition name in the notes), and we'll get them there for you. Make sure […]
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Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
We will be holding the February monthly meeting at Barncat Artisan Ales in Cambridge.
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BSG Bulk Buy
This buy is for products distributed by Brewer’s Supply Group - primarily malts and dried yeast. We are once again running this buy through Kamil Juices in Guelph.
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Monthly Meeting

BSG Bulk Buy

BSG Bulk Buy
A list of annual True Grist events can be found here.