True Grist (TG) had more great results at the Short Finger Brewing Company (SFBC) Funks competition. TG members won medals in a total of five out of seven categories. Three of those categories saw club members sweep the medals. Great work True Grist!

As a club, we also saw an increase in members volunteering as judges and stewards at the competition. Homebrew competitions depend on volunteers; thanks to everyone for helping make this a great competition! Special thanks to the competition sponsors: BSG Canada, Omega Yeast, and Jane Bond as well as Kat, Rob, Mike and Stu at SFBC for another awesome competition.

At the awards ceremony, SFBC confirmed that Funks will be a annual competition. Start planning ahead for next year’s competition, especially those Euro sour categories; the winning beer was a Flander’s Red that was a blend of beers up to 18 months old.

The True Grist members who won medals are:

23A – Berliner Weisse

  1. 1. Scott and Angus Hilts
  2. 3. Brad Drost

27 – Historical Beer

  1. 1. Jamie Fowler

28A – Brett Beer

  1. 1. Ryan Dunlop
  2. 2. Walter Feddern
  3. 3. Jeff Bueckert

28B – Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

  1. 1. Chris Luederitz
  2. 2. Chris Saunders (HOZER/True Grist)
  3. 3. Justin Angevaare

28C – Wild Specialty Beer

  1. 1. Chris Kwietniowski (also Best of Show runner up!)
  2. 2. Jamie Fowler, Martin Williams, and Tom Bird
  3. 3. Cam Marcott